Taiwan Fruits

Release date:2022-09-23
Taiwan—A Globally Renowned Fruit Kingdom

Taiwan, known as the kingdom of fruits, owns the perfect geographical environment and climate, plus the excellent and cutting-edge agriculture cultivation techniques, to grow a variety of high- quality and safe fruits all year round. The production of Taiwan's fruit trees covers tropical, subtropical and temperate fruits. There are more than 30 varieties of fruit cultivated in Taiwan. The places of production scatter all over the island. In recent years, the area for the cultivation of fruits reached 180 thousand hectares, the output reached 2.6 million metric tons, and the output value reached NTD96 billion.

Mango, banana, lychee, citrus, papaya, pineapple, grape, guava, custard apple, wax apple, dragon fruit, pear and persimmon are the fruits selected as competitive for infiltration into the overseas markets. Supply chains from production to marketing have been set up for those export fruits, to stabilize the export quality and increase the farmers' earnings.
出處:Agriculture and Food Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R.O.C(TAIWAN)