Stand by Taiwan Agriculture and Support the Locally Produced

Release date:2017-04-24
Join the Collective Endeavor by AFA and YIMEI

Collaboration between Agriculture and Food Agency and YIMEI Food Company has taken another step forward. After the instant hit of the soymilk made of 100% Taiwanese soybean and black soybean, several new exciting products are about to be launched. The matchmaking efforts of helping the company contractually procure various fine Taiwanese agri-crops, including soybeans, black soybeans, red dates, Camellia seeds, and red quinoa, has been successful. The company handling this operation, YIMEI, indicates that the planned contractual procurement of 600 MTs has been fully executed. Of which are soybeans and black soybeans from Yunlin and Chiayi, red dates from Gongguan Township in Miaoli, Camellia seeds from Taichung and Taitung, and red quinoa from Pingtung. After being processed, these ingredients will be made into some of the most refreshing and tasty Taiwanese food products for consumer enjoyment. Take this opportunity to stand by Taiwan agriculture and support the locally produced.

Full adoption of traceability certification: the way to consumer confidence and farmer returns
The AFA states that over the years the general public has started to take notice of the importance of safety and health preservation effects of the food. Using fresh and safe domestic ingredients is an ideal way to address this issue, but it would even offer more assurance if the ingredients have passed traceability certification. On this subject, YIMEI further adds that it is moving toward using exclusively ingredients with traceability certification. For YIMEI or those food manufacturers that wish to take part in contractual procurement, the AFA has determined to assist them and their suppliers in acquiring either the organic, traceability certification, or the eco-friendly farming certificates, to enable their consumers to know more about their purchase and other traceability information. The AFA further points out that the products that are genuinely safe can command decent market prices and consequently encourage distributors to bid up the procurement price. As the result, farmers may earn a more reasonable profit, be able to continue sustainable farming activities, and supply agricultural ingredients of high quality and safety. The AFA also finds that YIMEI is willing to pay a premium price for its contractual procurement admirable, and the AFA looks forward to YIMEI’s move becoming an example and encouraging other food companies to follow suit in introducing products with traceability certification and buying domestic agri-products.

Eat local and enjoy seasonal. Lower your carbon footprints and benefit your health and the environment
On the eve of April 22nd, the Global Earth Day, an important day dedicated to environmental protection, the AFA and YIMEI wish to make a joint pledge to consumers that they should take the many superior attributes of domestic agri-products, like fresh, non-GMO, and low carbon footprints, into account and buy more domestic coarse grains, like soybean and sweet potatoes. By doing so, not only are they benefiting their own health but also the environment that surrounds them. There is simply no better way to help Taiwan agriculture and support your local farmers.
出處:Agriculture and Food Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R.O.C(TAIWAN)