Local production and consumption of agriculture products for greater market stability

Release date:2022-09-27
To help farmers in marketing through various channels, the "Taipei Hope Plaza Farmers Market" and the "Taipei Expo Farmers Market " are held in the metropolitan area on a regular basis, while "farmers' direct sales stations", "community shops" and "farmers' markets" are set up in each area according to the scale of the market, to strengthen the sales of agricultural specialties and revitalize the economic development of rural local industries through integration with rural communities.
Make an all-out effort to promote agricultural products online and offline

In the name of social responsibility and the public good, enterprises are called upon to support Taiwan's agricultural products.
The AFA encourages hand-shaken drink shops to develop and sell beverages using domestic fruits as the main raw material to promote the diversified consumption of domestic fruits by the public and to increase the consumption and competitiveness of domestic fruits. In addition, depending on the production and marketing condition of fruits and vegetables, the AFA mobilizes rural farmers' associations to make joint purchases; the AFA also actively promotes supermarkets, e-commerce and other major channels to strengthen the purchase of domestic fruits and vegetables, so that all people can support Taiwan's agriculture.
出處:Agriculture and Food Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R.O.C(TAIWAN)